Sharjah Governement Employees

Achieving sustainable development in general and the development of national human resources in particular in the Government of Sharjah requires improving government performance and drawing attention to the extent to which employees are aware of the law of human resources and its applications. Therefore, the Directorate is keen to educate all employees on their workplace rights and responsibilities and the business mechanisms, systems and procedures, in addition to spreading the professional culture of the institution among them, instilling a work culture based on transparency and mutual trust between the staffs of the government body, whether superiors or subordinates.
It also helps the employees to solve all obstacles that may hinder their professional career, and create an attractive institutional environment for employees to achieve satisfaction, security and job stability, and feel loyal and belonging to their employers.

Employee Self-Service System:
  • This service aims at facilitating communication between government employees and the Directorate of Human Resources, as it provides the following:
  • The possibility of accessing personal, administrative and financial data at any time and in any place.
  • The possibility for the employee to check his leave balance or the leaves he used during a given period.
  • The possibility of reviewing the sequence of self-actions since his appointment and the possibility of printing each action.
  • Helps the employee to communicate with the department of administrative affairs in the Directorate or the body for which he works, by converting all administrative services into electronic services such as leaves, requesting a certificate to whom it may concern, requesting correction of data, requesting travel tickets, etc.
  • The System provides a performance evaluation service where the direct supervisor can electronically evaluate the employee and reveal it to him the evaluation after its adoption.
  • The possibility of obtaining health insurance data according to the category of the employee, getting informed about its benefits and searching for medical network such as hospitals, health centres, pharmacies etc., and filing any complaint or giving any remark directly to Sharjah Health Authority.

If you have any questions about the service, please contact or call 065078806